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Kind research

Research for report writing - Block 2

The second term kicked off with a running start as we dove straight into research methodology for our chosen topics from block 1. There were so many new concepts and terms to get through, but strangely enough, an onion helped. It was a grueling week to get through since I had been on leave the previous week and had quite a bit to catch up on. I had to take each day one at a time and just do as much as I was able to. Fortunately, I had made an effort to get out in nature, spend some time with family and just recharge during my time off.

Research weeks seem to be the most challenging for me, since it feels like sprinting all the time. This felt a little different to the previous one though, there was a lot more independent study and self-management for tasks which felt quite daunting initially. But, once the feeling of trying to get everything ‘right’, passed, it became easier to engage with the content and just try to understand what it meant.

So much of the research methodology content was new to me and I ended up creating multiple glossary pages for myself. It took a while, and lots of re-reading but understanding the terms made applying it to my own research topic much more manageable and...enjoyable.

The week structure required daily tasks and approaching different aspects of my research everyday allowed me to see how personal this topic was to me and how much I really wanted to learn more about the methods behind inclusivity, representation and reaching a demographic that were often subjected to unfair marginalization.

One of the questions my research looked into was the challenges faced by under-resourced communities and through further reading, I began to understand a different layer of privilege I didn’t even know I held. Learning about things I hadn’t even thought of lead to some self-reflection and I was reminded to always be kind, people we meet all have different challenges, experiences and fears to overcome daily.

Revisiting this topic from the previous term with a new perspective shone a new light on my own circumstances and challenges, so I chose to work on creating some leeway for myself and extend the kindness to my process too.

Be kind, Always.

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