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"Keep growing, through it all"


of me


Partner up and have a short interview to discuss your strengths, weaknesses, design inspiration, goals and traits. Conceptualize how to package yourself in the form of a label on a tin and consider it's content. 



  • Complete a short interview with a partner and reflect on the answers and outcomes

  • Develop a visual concept and creative copy to represent a personal identity in the form of a label and curate the contents of the tin.

  • Label layout design with consideration for dimensions and constraints of a tin can.

  • Curate or create content that will be contained in the tin as a product.

  • Mock-up of concept on a tin as it would appear on a shelf.


The primary concept for my package revolves around growth, as inspired by Neri Oxman, who uses biomimicry and nature to guide architecture and spaces. I believe in growth being a natural part of life but also an essential element to learning, fueled by curiosity. 


It is only through questioning ourselves, our behavior, beliefs and skills that we discover where we are able to extend and grow into better people and creatives.


I chose to use the word EVOLUTION since it represents natural adapting and change to circumstance, something I consider vital for learning and improving. It implies the outgrowing of things no longer needed while focusing on skills most suited for current situations.



To visually portray the concept, I made use of tree rings as a texture for the background to represent the natural growth of a tree. The organic form has ups, downs and irregular curves, and has a total of 28 rings to represent my own age. 


I chose to use a question mark as the main graphic, because it is only through the questioning process did I discover how much I had grown, bloomed.


Using illustrated flowers in combination with leaf elements represent parts of my creativity that I have nurtured to the point of flowering since it's not a process that occurs very quickly. The use of non-conforming colour areas helped to show that it is never complete, but that there is beauty in all it's stages. 


The tin contains origami cranes inspired by the Japanese tale of 1000 cranes. The legend says that if one folds 1000 cranes, a wish would be granted. Since it takes a long time and a large amounts of patience, it doesn't happen often. 


The crane itself is a symbol of hope and success, both of which requires growth and perseverance. The folding of the paper is key to the concept of growth, since origami focuses on non-destructive formations through gentle and calculated folding. 


Image by Carolina Garcia Tavizon
Ingredients of Me Tin_Mockup.jpg
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