BaoActive is looking to extend their current Baobab powder into two additional variants that have new ingredients added to their current product. These will be known as the Moringa Superblend and Hibiscus Superblend.
Work alongside the current designer to formulate new visuals that extend from the current packaging into the new range.
Study the forms of the ingredients and use various media for mark-making
and illustration, -
Create vectors from this exploration and apply it to
the current packaging template with attention to composition and colour.
Media exploration range of elements that can be digitized for placement on pack.
Use current packaging to create a range extension that sits well together in relation to colour, composition and form when on shelf.
The powder produced by BaoActive is particularly unique since it supports a local village in Limpopo by employing residents to do the harvest and processing. Unlike other farms, BaoActive powder is made only from fallen fruit, no trees are cut or damaged during the process and the fruit is at it's ripest, providing optimal nutrition. This has provided jobs for over 500 Venda women in the surrounding area.
To further support the community, BaoActive engages with schools, educational courses and ecological research of baobab trees.
Baobab fruit powder is traditionally eaten throughout Africa by thousands of people. It’s an astonishingly nutrient dense food that provides vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre and boasts a range of health benefits.
The BaoActive range includes a Moringa Powder variant so the challenge was to show the blend through a visual of the ingredient in the left panel of the existing packaging.
After exploring with a variety of media, angles and crops, I chose an ink drawing of the Moringa leaves overlayed on a charcoal sketch of the Baobab fruit. The colour choices were pulled from the current packages of the individual Baobab and Moringa products with the addition of a halftone of the green swatch to reflect the powder texture of the blended product.
The addition of Hibiscus to the ingredients range allowed for more exploration and the addition of a new colour to compliment the range. I chose to use a charcoal sketch of the hibiscus petal in a bold colour to represent the strength the product is intended to provide.
The petals overlay a muted halftone drawing of the Baobab fruit, while the bright orange colour enhances the representation of Baobab on the pack and in the product.